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« Sunday, January 2nd, 2011—Bar 357 | Main | Friday, December 31st, 2010—Bar 355 »

Saturday, January 1st, 2011—Bar 356

Day 356—Friday, December 31st, 2010
Neary’s and The Stoned Crow

So last week I was trying to figure out what to do about New Year’s Eve on the old bar crawl. I’ve always hated New Year’s Eve. To me it’s such a forced holiday and it’s filled with people who usually don’t drink much and for a good reason, they can’t hold their liquor and behave like compete June Taylor Asshats on Parade after about three and a half drinks. I usually buy a shitload of beer, lock my door and watch the Twilight Zone marathon on the Sci-Fi channel and just ignore the whole New Year's Eve hoopla. But this year I have to go out and go to a bar. I decided to go out early and then stop in and have a beer or two at the Stoned Crow and document the last night there with photos. That would be a bit depressing, but it’s something that has to be done. And then in the middle of wondering where to go, this invitation magically appeared in my email inbox from Karen and Jon, the publishers, artists and writers of Grade “A” Fancy:


Beat the squares – enjoy New Year’s first and in a more exclusive party.
New Year’s Eve-ternoon 2010
Friday, December 31st
We’ll meet for lunch at 1:00 at Neary’s  358 East 57th Street SW corner of 1st Avenue.
Don’t forget that Neary’s (est. 1967) specifies “proper attire required” – and they mean it, man.  That generally means “look nice,” – jackets for the men are good but not essential.  No blue jeans or sneakers.  Anyways, it’s New Year’s Eve-ternoon, dontcha wanna look smashing?


Well, now, that was easy, problem solved! I just have to dust off my suit and tie from last February’s Superbowl Sunday and it’s off to Neary’s we go.

Okay, lunch is at 1pm, but I'm here a little bit before noon to get the bar crawl photos done before everyone arrives.

Proper Attire is required at Neary's. And I'm properly dressed, so let's enter this fine establishment.

And look at this, it's so early, I've got the run of the bar. Now this is my kind of New Year's Eve!

And here's Tommy, the friendly bartender who happily pours me one of the last beers of 2010.

I don't know if this is the original cash register from that magical year of 1967 when they opened, but I'd like to think it is.

Some of the lit-up bottles behind the bar.

A long-shot of the highly-polished, dark wooden bar.

Here's the majestic dining room, all done up for the holiday season. Let's go see who that is folding napkins at the end of the room.

It's the lovely and beautiful Liz! Liz has been a waitress here for 44 years and I'm lucky enough that she agreed to pose for a photo with me.

There's lots of pictures hanging on the front wall opposite the bar.

Kathie Lee Gifford can't believe she said that and moments later I can't believe I took a photo of that. Kind of a Regis moment for me.

There's lots of Mary Higgins Clark book covers on the walls. She's a regular at the restaurant and Jimmy Neary, the owner of Neary's is a recurring character in her books.

Above the front window is this poignant and breath-taking scene of JFK praying to a sideways choking sign. I'm a little verklempt now, how about you?

Meanwhile, back at the bar, Tommy's holding the bar down.

And down at the end of the bar, Lewis and Margaret are enjoying a New Year's Eve drink. Lewis is a writer and you can read all about his work right here at his website: Lewis Hardee.

Uh, oh, it's almost 1pm, time to pay up and...

Enjoy the fine New Year's Eve luncheon arranged by Karen and Jon. Here we are, take one.

And take two with me getting a little goofy.

Here's some of the New Year's Eve specials on the menu. I opted for the Shepherd's Pie and it was delicious.

I took a quick few panoramic shots of lunch.

The food was wonderful and the conversation was lively and ran the gamut from fanzines to drugs to punk rock to painting Hitler moustaches on a picture of a certain past President and Vice President.

A splendid time was had by all and I thank Karen and Jon for inviting me and introducing me to their wonderful friends.

A glance out the window and it's time to go and say goodbye to the The Stoned Crow and 2010.

And a few hours later, here we are at the last night of the Stoned Crow. I'm not going to bother with captions for the photos. As a spiky-haired singer once sang in a sandpaper, gravel voice: Every picture tells a story.

"I couldn't quote you no Dickens, Shelley or Keats, 'cause it's all been said before. Make the best out of the bad, just laugh it off...HA! You didn't have to come here anyway." (From "Every Picture Tells a Story," written by Rod Stewart and Ron Wood.)

Goodbye, Stoned Crow and goodnight, everybody.

It’s New Year’s Day, so once again I’m going to slack and not write a review, but here’s what Neary’s has to say about itself on their website, take it away, Neary’s!


Neary's opened o≠n St. Patrick's Day 1967 and proudly remains o≠ne of the most well-known Irish restaurants in New York. The restaurant is often referred to as the "Irish 21." Jimmy Neary, New York's finest host, welcomes everyone in the door with his great Irish smile and charming personality. Each night Jimmy is joined by members of his family and his long-tenured staff to ensure that every customer feels like they are part of the family.

Neary's signature dishes include lamb chops, prime rib of beef, corned beef and cabbage and broiled 1/2 chicken. In addition, there is a fine selection of daily delivered fresh fish.

We look forward to taking care of you and sharing our special home with you.

The Neary Family

358 E. 57th St. (Near 1st Ave.)


Bonus Happy New Year from Jaws!

Jaws just sent in this Happy New Year banner. Thanks, Jaws, Happy New Year to you and everyone out there!

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Reader Comments (18)

June Taylor Asshats....BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! A season of firsts and miracles at 365...Marty in a suit and tie! My God. Hale and fare-thee well Stoned Crow, I hardly knew Ye....

January 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

What a swell afternoon we had. Thanks for joining us, Marty. Neary's is the best, right? The gang kept on going after you split and by the time we got to Bill's we were so lubricated I think we came close to getting bounced. New Year's Eve is for suckers, but the eve-ternoon was made for drinking. We were home, drunk, and hunkered down in front of the teevee by about seven.

Sorry about the Crow. It's been a hell of a year on bars.

Mucho kudos for "June Taylor Asshats on Parade". You're the master.

January 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNed Sparks

@Ned Sparks: Mucho thanks for the invite! I was honored to be included in your New Year's Eve crew. Lot's of fun and I hope we can do it again next year!

January 1, 2011 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

"June Taylor asshats on parade." LMFAO! The first catch-phrase for 2011! Neary's looks like a great NY institution! Looks like you had a great NYE lunch with some cool and interesting people. Too bad about Stoned Crow, another one falls. I love the line you picked from the Every Picture song. Perfect. Nine to go!

January 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBarfly

Two completely different but fantastic bars. Neary's is so beautiful and classy with all the warm woods and real pro's working there like the waitress, so many years, and the bartender with old school looks. Dressing up nice for a place like Neary's is well worth it. The Crow's pictures are beautiful but sad. I see these places closing and it breaks my heart. This was an excellent night on the crawl in my opinion judging by the pictures, oh and shepherds pie, always great on a cold night.

January 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAl

Very classy Marty, Neary's looks like the kinda of place you need to take your parents next time they're in town. So sad about Stoned Crow! Just made a comment about them on my blog, guess I need to go revise it...

January 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkari

@Kari: Thanks for the review over at your blog! That was very nice of you and a wonderful surprise!


January 1, 2011 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

Wonderful post Marty:)
does the sign really offer pot pancakes?
i love shepards pie:)
still very sad about the stoned crow:(
happy new year

January 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGidgie

@Gidget: They do have pot pancakes, but ssshhh, don't tell anyone! Happy New Year to you!

January 1, 2011 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

first a toast to grade a fancy for inviting 365 to a real neat concept of saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new
a toast to grade a fancy for the eulogy of some friends lost in 2010
a toast to kari for posting a great review
a toast to jaws for another interesting way of "life"
a toast to al for all the dyno stops he suggested
a toast to boris for his artwork and the 365 store—wish i had more money
a toast to gidget for her work on 365 social page
a toast to GENE for his service to the country and for capturing clacky's ninja dance
one for clacky for the ninja dance
a toast to all the 365 crawlers a healthy new year to all
a toast to 365 'cause "everybody likes a sharp dressed man"
i'm sure i should toast others but that damn "rotgut" 45 is really kickin' in after these few toasts...KOC


January 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterraginrr

Thanks for the nice comment rr

January 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkari

@raginrr: A toast to you, fine sir! Keep on commenting!

January 2, 2011 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

TO : Marty
Fuck just 9 more to go !!

January 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJHwang Love's ZioumZioum

@JHwang: Single digit's!

January 2, 2011 | Registered Commenter365 Beers

@ 365; GO! GO! GO! GO! BOOYA!!

January 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

June Taylor Asshats? AHAHHAHAHHAHAHH!!

Happy New Year, Marty!

And Im with you - I stayed locked INDOORS away from all the insanity!

January 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermeleah rebeccah

WOW! I've almost got a heart attack! I first read "Boiled trout" and was going to leave an OCD comment : "Sacrilege!!! Sacrilege!!! Sacrilege!!! Sacrilege!!! Sacrilege!!! Sacrilege!!! Sacrilege!!! Sacrilege!!!" BUT I read it a second time and noticed it was "BROILED" and not boiled !! haha So everything is fine!

"painting Hitler moustaches on a picture of President!" hey we do that in France too! There are alot of small Sarkozy's face stickers all over the streets with hitler moustaches!! haha ;)

Jaws: great pic again!

Happy New Year to all of you !!

January 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterZioum Zioum The Chainsaw

I'm sure there are a lot of things Kathie Lee can't believe she said. She's drunk A LOT. On a side note (or maybe not so much), who the fuck puts suspenders on a little kid? Maybe she has a thing for Larry King? Anyhoo, your lunch looked fab and Neary's seems like a great place. Aside from all the pictures and the vintage cash register and the cool front window, I love the fact that they're so loyal to their employees. TO NEARY'S! TO TOMMY! And TO LIZ! And P.S. When I go, I'm getting the corned beef hash. Mmmm.

Thanks for taking us to the Stoned Crow one last time. I wish I could've made it for that trip. So long, Stoned Crow, and thanks for the memories.

January 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBiff

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