Sunday, June 13th, 2010—Bar 154
Day 154—Saturday, June 12th, 2010
Malachy'sOkay, it’s Saturday so that means it’s time for a cheeseburger at a bar. Al Rizo, one of the commentators here who resides in Miami suggested I try the cheeseburger at Malachy’s bar on the Upper West Side. Al’s last suggestion was the Dublin House where I had to sneak pictures because of a crabby bartender. Let’s hope today’s crawl is a little easier. There’s only one way to find out, let’s get crawling!
I was going to take the subway, but decided to splurge and hailed a cab. This guy was a good driver and really got me there fast, so it was a good decision.
I snapped this shot at a red light near Times Square. I think he wanted some money, I couldn't help him out, but since he had a damn fine lunch of a bucket of chicken, I didn't feel too guilty.
I got out of the cab at 72nd and Amsterdam to have an appetizer before we get to the bar.
The line's are always out the door, but it's worth the wait and soon you'll see what I'm talking about.
Getting closer!
This is what I'm talking about! A Gray's Papaya dog with extra mustard, a little slice of heaven in a bun.
On my way to Malachy's I look at a spot that used to house a family chicken joint where I used to always eat my Sunday dinner when I lived in the neighborhood. You could get a half a chicken, a drink and two sides for $4.95, which was great because I was on a tight budget when I first moved here. Now it's going to be a Trader Joe's. What a shame, I hate the Trader Joe's!
And here we are, Malachy's. I haven't been in here in over a dozen years, let's see if its changed at all.
Hasn't changed a bit and the local's don't seem to be camera shy in here.
I haven't even sat down and already captured a portrait of one of the locals, "Big Bry."
And here's the star of the show today, Dorian Yeager. Dorian's one of the best bartenders I've encountered on the crawl so far. She has great stories, is quick with a drink and a joke and she's also a writer. In addition to murder mystery novels, Dorian has written an hilarious anecdotal book called, " Life Is A B****...and then you get your period."
Copies are available at the bar and from Dorian's website:
Dorian ran for President a few years ago and snagged 93 votes. Her campaign slogan was, "Dorian Yeager, You've Done Worse." Ha ha ha, how true!
Once the regulars saw my camera out, everyone wanted to pose with Dorian. Here she is with Dennis.
Megan was also working at the bar and here she is with Dorian.
Dorian's mom Ruth was at the end of the bar after attending a Met's game. I've met a lot of wonderful and pretty women on this bar crawl, but Ruth has to be at the top of the list. A friendly and wonderful woman and a pleasure to have met her.
Here's Ruth with Don, who was seated next to her at the bar.
Joe's a neighborhood regular who was enjoying a cold bottle of Budweiser.
Robert was drinking a Guinness, cheers, Robert!
There's some real nuts in this joint! (rimshot)
Here's Ali and her booze-loving dog, Jasper.
Dorian tried giving Jasper a treat, but Jasper had his eye's elsewhere.
Now that's a good doggie! Cheers, Japsper!
And now it's time for the grand event, the cheeseburger!
Dorian serves up the feast.
Goddman, Sam, it looks delicious, and you get all this for $4.75! Craziness!
Thanks to Dorian and everybody at Malachy's for such a wonderful evening! Goodnight everybody!
You never know what you’re going to get on this bar crawl. Some nights are fun, some are challenging but some are almost magical. Tonight was one of the magical ones. Malachy’s is about as old school New York as you’re going to find. The bar is long and the space is narrow in the front with a few tables in the back. Black and white photos dot the walls and you’ll find a crowd here that is almost all local neighborhood regulars. I used to be part of this crowd when I lived in this neighborhood over a decade ago. I haven’t been back here since I moved downtown and wondered how I’d be treated bring my bar crawl act in here. Well, I wasn’t disappointed. If you’re lucky enough to be in here when bartender Dorian Yeager is working you’re in for a treat. Dorian is one of the best bartenders I’ve had the pleasure of meeting on this bar crawl so far. She’s funny, entertaining and has great stories about celebrities in the bar from Michael Anthony Hall to Woody Allen and Mia Farrow to Ray Davies of the Kinks and to Tim Conway, check out the photo below.
The regulars at the bar treated me like a long lost friend and Dorian’s lovely mother was holding down the end of the bar, enjoying some wine after watching the Mets win a game. Malachy’s has a full bar and a full menu. I didn’t look at the menu, as I had to try the $4.75 quarter pound burger and fries. It was one of the best burgers on the crawl and the price is crazy-cheap for what you get. As Doran said, “We should just give everyone two bucks and tell them to go down the street and get something and we’d be ahead.”
In a town where real estate is being gobbled up by Trader Joe’s and Chipotles “Mexican” restaurants, it’s nice to see a joint like Malachy’s on the block. Stop by and support a real New York watering hole. Thanks for the recommendation, Al, this was a great night!
103 W. 72nd St. (Near Columbus Ave.)

Reader Comments (22)
To me this exemplifies what this crawl IS all about.
The bars are the "canvas" and the people are the "medium".
That is what makes this all a year long "Cheers" revival.
We need to get Dorian a 365 shirt!
Reminds me of the old 'neighborhood joints" I would frequent at times back in my "daze".
Thanks for "taking" all of us here.
Great job!
Thanks, Daddio! Dorian does deserve a 365 shirt! Next time I'm in the neighborhood I'll drop one off for her!
Im so glad you liked Malachy's and I think Dorian is the kind of person that can make you love a bar. Hey Mike (Dublin House) take note,,,,I love your bar but on your next day off go over to Malachy's and spend a little time with Dorian and maybe her good karma will rub off on you. Her mother was adorable to be out and about in the big city and enjoying life,,,thats living my friends,,and Marty,,you are great,,,,thank you and after your review, Malachy's is at the top of my list on my next visit,,(with a cheeseburger of course),,,,thanks again,,,Al
YEAH ! Thas is a fucking place which Rocks!!!! Looks like an old school bar with very interresting people! Dorian is Amazing, and she exactly remember me a bartender/boss of a bistro I worked in when I was 16 years old. Always smilling, natural attitude, and a beauty which shine like a sun! I just love this kind of women who are "human being" before to be "only a woman" ;)
I really want to go there before I leave NYC.
The book sounds so funny!
One of the best bar you made Marty!!!! Positive energy in there!
I can think of maybe one or two bars that have the kind of good vibes Malachy's seems to radiate right through my computer CRT...they're both on the West Bank of Minneapolis and I'd show up at them religiously at least once, maybe twice a week for years back in the seventies and eighties. The kind of places that make me think of an Arlo Guthrie tune from way back when, 'The Lightning Bar Blues'; "Some people value fortune and fame...
I don't care about it now...
Just wanna drink my ripple wine...
Down in the lightning bar...
Down in the lightning bar...".
A kind of forever place that you'd come back to haunt after you died if you could, and when the Ghost Whisperer came to hand you your eviction papers, you'd wind up getting drunk with her and talking about old times instead.
DORIAN looks like a very fun person...her web site is a hoot...MALACHY'S! is another jewel in the crawls that jasper the same that has been bringing in the business at the 67-year-old Emerald Inn?...Did you hear the one about the dog who walked into a bar?...KOC
LOVE IT!!!!!!
Dorian is awesome... might be my fave bar next to winnies ...
this bar made me smile when I read about it!!!!
please find more like this!
take Dorian crawling with you in a 365 shirt!
That place looks great! Just like small town americana, without the annoying small town! We have a place very much like it in my tiny town, where you can buy a draft beer, cheaper than a soda.
And I would hate Trader Joe's but they have these yummy peppermint christmas oreo type cookies, Other than that, fuck them!
Probably shouldn't admit it but I love Trader Joes. Or at least their dark chocolate pistachio toffee. But we don't have them in these parts and you always want what you don't have. Of course we don't have any bars in this town either.
I would expect Dorian to bring me out cookies with my drink. I think I'd like it there.
Oh man, when I saw that hot dog, I just about bashed my face against the computer screen trying to take a bite. I've been CRAAAAVING hot dogs. I had to compromise yesterday with a BLT. That's one thing I miss about living in the city, the hot dog vendors.
Question: what's Trader Joe's?
Malachy's looks like a really cool bar. What a bunch of characters! So funny about Dorian's mother sitting there drinking wine.
It must be nights like this that make it all worthwhile :)
ALI :)
First of all, as a Browns fan, I would like to offer Ruth a high-five on the Mets' win. One day, each of our teams will win it all. One day... Anyhoo, Dorian appears to be the world's best bartender and Malachy's looks like the perfect place to be. Dark wood paneling, captain's chairs, soup to go, shots for dogs - who could ask for anything more? Plus, they know enough to stock one of the finest mustards in existence. TO MALACHY'S! And TO DORIAN YEAGER! Two true originals. Cheers!
@missmess: Trader Joe's is a chain store that's cluttering up this city. Buy local!
Big Bry has such a sweet and sincere smile, Dorian is an angel and Jasper is adorable. It looks like such a fun place to enjoy a nice drink and beautiful friendly people.
Yaay Marty!!
DUDE- you can bring your dog into a bar??
Also- don't feel to bad for that guy, KFC makes everything, even homelessness, better.
Oh no - - it wasn't a Met's game it was the NY Yankees. Ruth and Don were there to see the NYY beat the Astros on Saturday!!
@Another Yankee Fan: Thanks! Shows how much I know about baseball!
I love places that haven't changed a bit complete with local's don't seem to be camera shy! And from what I've read in this post I'm already a HUGE fan of Dorian! I am off to check out her blog and her book!
Fantastic! Finally a place I've been to and remember having many a fun night at. I think we probably made everyone hate us, but we had a great time every night we were in NY at this bar... they had to put up with a whole month of me and my friends turning up night after night, poor people.
@Torquil: Come back and I'll buy!
aww've made me miss my little mutt ...Lennie. I had a little Yorkie for 3 years just like this one who was my "little bar hound"; "most" of my regulars loved him and looked or asked for him whenever they came in. Sadly I gave him away last week to a good home as I didn't think it was fair for the cute lil guy to be raised in a bar. This place reminds me of my place here in SD.
@ Torquil: I'm guessing if you were annoying and spent many nights in their bar they loved you. I get my out of town guys in my small town bar and they are a pain in my @ss but I still miss them when they pull out of town. entertainment that pays me to watch! :')