Monday, March 8th, 2010—Bar 57
Day 57—Sunday, March 7th
White Horse TavernToday’s the last day of my daytime bar crawl as my parents are leaving and it’s back to the sweet night time for me tomorrow. Today I thought we’d travel to Greenwich Village and visit the legendary White Horse Tavern. Legend has it that poet Dylan Thomas drank himself to death here at the bar after downing 18 shots of scotch and then returning to his Chelsea Hotel apartment to sleep it off. Instead of sleeping it off, he died in his sleep. Other famous patrons through the years include: Bob Dylan, Mary Travers, Jim Morrison, Norman Mailer, Jack Kerouac and Hunter S. Thompson. Let’s go check out this legendary watering hole, just watch the shots, I don’t want any drunken deaths on my 365 watch! Oh, wait, I don't have a watch, so do whatever you want to do.
Here we are at the White Horse Tavern, deep in the heart of New York City's Greenwich Village.
Wow, it's crowded for an early Sunday afternoon. I spy one empty stool though and it's mine!
Behind the draft beer pullers stands Bob the bartender. Ready to serve up a cold beer.
I think this sign went up after they served Dylan Thomas those 18 shots of scotch.
John told me he was a semi-regular in the joint. He lives in the neighborhood, but also has a place in New Orleans. He was waiting for his better half to show up.
And baboom! Here she is, the lovely Lea.
Eddie and Anitra came in from Park Slope to have a couple beers and lunch. Cheers!
A giant white horse painting in the back room.
Seated nearby were Carl, Anne Marie and Mitch, enjoying drinks and the ambiance of the White Horse Tavern.
There's tables in front to relax and drink too.
Phil stopped by for a quick glass of wine at the tavern.
Some of the beers available and more white horses adorn the top perimeter of the bar.
Bill and Gigi were seated next to me at the bar. It was Gigi's first time at the bar and she had been trying to find the owner of a lost Blackberry earlier.
Here's a painting of Dylan Thomas at the bar. Can we buy you a shot Dylan?
Koaus came in for a drink and told me he works in the fashion industry.
After talking to Joe and Stephanie who were seated at a corner table I found out that both of them live on my block! Neighbors at the bar. See you round the hood, Joe and Stephanie!
And finally with the aid of some prop glasses and beers, I perform my Dylan Thomas impersonation. Goodnight everybody!
The White Horse Tavern is a legendary literary watering hole. In the ‘50’s beat poets and writers gathered here, drank and listened to the Clancy Brothers jam in the bar. Legend has it that poet Dylan Thomas pounded 18 shots of scotch and then retired to his Chelsea Hotel residence and died a John Bonham-like death. There’s a large portrait of Thomas to be seen in the bar along with a painting of a white horse and other memorabilia and photos from the past.
Today the crowd consists of neighborhood regulars, curious New Yorkers and college kids looking to drink and reminisce of literary and beat days gone by. Tourists also flock to this haunt where drinking is still the main focus. There’s 13 bottled beers to choose from including, Sierra Nevada, Widmer (Hefeweizen), Budweiser, Woodpecker Cider and Amstel Light. There are seven drafts to wet your whistle among them are, Guinness, Sam Adams, Newcastle, and Stella Artois. In addition to the booze, food is also available and the menu has burgers, sandwiches, nachos and Shepherd’s Pie and Steak and Kidney Pie.
When the weather permits they have an outdoor patio with tables and seating. Stop by and admire a chunk of New York’s writerly past and one of the city’s legendary drinking haunts. Just remember though, if you’re doing shots, keep it sensible, limit yourself to a dozen or so. Cheers!
White Horse Tavern
567 Hudson St. @ 11th St.
Reader Comments (8)
What a great place! I like all the light in there, and the horses are pretty, and that ceiling light is FAB, and speaking of the ceiling those tiles are authentic and amazing, and the top windows are totally unique, and the bookcase rocks, and the paintings are oners, and the regulars look super friendly. Just be suspicious of Jim. He has no friends or family.
What an amazing place that is! I love everything about it especially the horse decor. Thank you also for sharing the story about Dylan Thomas with us. Very interesting.
Thank you so very much for allowing us to tag along with you. I really enjoyed it!
Aww Marty I am soooo glad you went here!.. you know my youngest is named after Dylan Thomas..My goal has always been to bring him here on his 21rst birthday:)
Cause i am just that creepy of a mom:)
Your "Daylight Tour" has taken on a life of it's own!
What a great track record you have had with the bars recently.
A whole different breed.
Looking forward to the "Chicago Leg" of the crawl.
OMG. I LOVE this place! LOVE!
YO! great place !!!! It looks like a typical french bar! I like the wood style!
I read the Gidget's comment and wonder... in USA, Alcohool is forbidden under 21 in bars even if you come along with your parents?
In France it's 14 years old if you come along with one of your parent, 16 years old if you come along with a 18 years old person or 18 years old if you are alone.
But most of the place where you can eat, a half glass of wine is "common" with your meal if you are 13 years old and with your parents. A kind of "ritual" to show at your child "he's part of the adult world now and will start to learn about alcohool with you"
But I'm not sure if the new generation of parents do that again, since I see allot of young (from my generation) drinking like fool, whithout to know the effects of alcohool and yes they will end like Thomas... I guess I got responsible parents, they learned to me allot about Alcohool and Drugs!
So I totally agree with Gidget's goal to bring her son there! ;)
Also I see "Proper ID proving 25 years of age required" !! So it sounds like I can't drink there until the 21th of March!! It should be OK, only some days to wait ! LOL
zioum,It's an american tradition for those under 21 to raid the liquor cabinets of their parents and their friend's parents..
or to pay some random guy in front of convenience stores to buy cheap wine for them.
yes we can send our 18 yr olds to war but we wont let them get sauced.. even with mommy and daddys consent:(
cheaper to do that at home I guess.
I raided my mom's pot stash.