Friday, November 5th, 2010—2010
Day 299—Thursday, November 4th, 2010
Coal Yard BarAbout a week ago I read a post on the fine EV Grieve blog announcing that a new bar was opening in the East Village called Coal Yard Bar and that the owners were the same people who own the International Bar that I visited last July.
That bar is certainly one of the top ten bars in New York I’ve been to, so I’m curious to see what the Coal Yard Bar is all about. So what do you say that we go check it out?
Here we are, let's go in and see what's happening, it looks nice from the outside.
Wow, nice and dark in here and it feels like a bar that's been on the block for years.
And friendly bartender Johnny serves up an ice cold Rolling Rock for three bucks. There's happy hour prices in here all night long.
And here's a pretty and familiar face, Elaina was the bartender on duty when I went to the sister bar, The International, great to see her again!
The bar's been open about a week, but tonight was the official grand opening night and here I am with the beautiful owners of the bar, Molly and Shawn.
Molly got shots for some of us up at the bar. From left: Yours Fooly, Shawn, Molly, Fernando, Roger and Lauren giving the double-fingered salute. Cheers!
A shot of the dark bar in all its glory.
Kristen and Julie were enjoying the opening night's festivities.
A shot of the top of the maple wood bar.
There's a nice-sized window up front where you can gaze out onto the East Village.
The liquor bottles behind the bar are lit up in a nice shade of magenta.
Vintage beer signs dot the walls of the bar.
Molly introduced me to her friends, Cal (far right) and head of security, Big Lee giving the middle finger salute that's become so popular on the 365 crawl.
Like the International, the Coal Yard has a great jukebox with selections including: Roger Miller, The Velvet Underground, Dolly Parton, Led Zeppelin and Bo Diddley.
When asked to have his picture taken, AJ said, "Why the fuck not?" I like his attitude!
Meanwhile, Elaina's taking care of business at the bar.
There's tables in the dimly-lit back room.
There's a long wooden railing opposite the bar to rest a drink and an elbow on.
Fernando and Jason were hanging out by the front door. Both men are musicians and they introduced me to another musician who's name is...
Marty! We'll call this shot, "Marty Squared."
Hey, these two look familiar...
By cracky, it's Clacky and Shannon from Australia completing a trifecta of one finger salutes! Goodnight, everybody!
ReviewMolly and Shawn, the owners of Coal Yard Bar deserve a medal for reviving the International Bar in the East Village in 2008. It’s one of the best bars on that block and beyond and now they’ve taken the old rule of, “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it,” and opened up a sister bar, The Coal Yard Bar. Walking into the bar you immediately feel at home and although the joint is new, it feels like it’s been on the block for years. The dark-grained wooden half moon bar is impressive and dominates the front of the bar. It was made and crafted for the bar and owner Molly told me they wanted it to have the finish of a Les Paul guitar. To just imagine a bar with a Les Paul guitar finish is a genius thought and they’ve pulled it off here.
There’s a full bar and well drinks are just four bucks. There’s a decent selection of draft beer and there’s also cans and bottles available. Rolling Rocks go for three bucks a can, so that’s what I had. Happy hour runs from 3pm to 8pm with a dollar off everything, so you don’t need to come here on payday to enjoy a night of drinking.
In the 1850’s coal yards dominated this area, and now there’s a new Coal Yard on the block that feels like yesterday’s dive bar. And that’s a good thing.
Coal Yard Bar
102 First Avenue (@6th St. )
And in honor of tonight's trifecta flip-off, I present the "365 Flip," artwork by "Boris!"
Reader Comments (33)
Looks like a cool new place. I will definitely have to check it out next time someone forces me to the East Village.
Wow, looks like a great party and a great dark dive bar! Cheers to the Clacky's! Good to see them make another appearance on the crawl!
Is that a pewter bat pendant that Elaina's wearin? Elvira, Mistress of the Dark would approve! Oh by the way... Elvira's BACK! Check out for local listings. She hasen't aged a day! I bet Elaina's a fan...
Guess they know what they're doing with bars, hope the new one is a success. And nice to see Tim and Shannon again. Hope they are enjoying NY.
@Fat Al: Bang on the money there mate! I'm a big fan of Rolling Rock beer and at $3 a can I'm hooked!
@365: Mammoth post today! Great night yet again. What a cool fucking bar. I think we'll stop in for another drink here before our time is up. Things got messy yet again after we left but I wont go into too much detail.
@Jaws: Who doesn't love Elvira!?
Where the fuck is everybody?
Cool - this is conveniently located near me, so I look forward to stopping in...often!
And, you've answered a question I've had about the coal yard history. There was one on the SW corner of First Ave & 6th St and another one at 9th St. I've been wondering if the bar was named for those.
In keeping with the historical-neighborhood theme, maybe a BBQ will open (again) in the old Permanent Brunch space across the street and call themselves "Butcher's Hide & Melt" lol.
@Jaws: I'm not sure about the pendant, but it's nice to know Elvira's back!
@Tim Clack: I'm anxious to hear about the mess, you didn't get arrested did you? If you need bail money, feel free to call!
@Goggla: It's definitely worth hanging out in, there's no television sets in there, perfect!
love the marty squared picture LOL! nice bar and nice people and 3 dollar beers, perfect! hello clackys!
I like it,,,,Molly and Shawn know how to create a dive bar proper. Like the semi circle bar and low ceiling (this was Lilly Coogans) great Blatz beer sign,,,anyone know if they still make Blatz? or Cincinnati Cream from Canada?
That's it. I'm moving. Will someone please find a job for me and my dog in NYC?
@clacky, "got messy yet agäin!"... AGAIN!! fuk i miss a day here & there, & i miss the comon' clacky ol'matey, what tha fuk did ya do???? tell me ya spewed in the back seat of a NYC cab, then did a runner only to spew a 2nd time in the back seat of a NYPD black & white!!!??? comon' mate whats the mud!!!!???? hahaha!
Wow what a cool looking bar and i love the friendly folks that abound there.
I also want to hear about Clacky's "mess" !!!
@Al: I haven't seen Blatz in years, we used to drink it in high school and you could get a case of Blatz for 5 bucks!
@Biff: As soon as David Sedaris reads my book and gets me a book deal, you and your dog will have jobs. How does the title of "Professional Drinker" grab you?
@Tim Clack: I think you need to 'fess up! Enquiring minds want to know what the fuck happened last night!
@marty, in regards to Mr Clack, the sensible bet would be odds on its a "technicoloured yawn" or just the general amber "üp & under chunder" has transpired at some point of time throughout Mr Clack's epic journey into the night & early hours of the New York morning...hehe!
@fitzy: Ha ha ha! I like to call it, "praying to the porcelin god." Good to see you back here mate!
@Fitzy: Not in the taxi! The bar is too close to the apartment...but it was something along those lines.
Just a good old fashion booze induced good time! and the general public was spared any sloppy behaviour. Lucky theres a great deli in the village that do a wicked toasted panini to help clear the cobwebs...
Well, Marty, if it's like every other time I've encountered a "professional drinker," it'll grab me by the ta-tas.
@Marty ... I think we have to take Clacky under our wing and train him?
@Biff: Ha ha ha! You still gots it, Bifferoonie!
@GENE: Nah, Clacky's a good mate, he can hold his own, you'll see on Thursday!
are you on some sort of diet? no food, no shots? you're not slowing down are you Marty?
@Shannon: It kind of feels like I'm slowing down every night! But only 65 more to go and I'm done!
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