Monday, November 15th, 2010—Bar 309
Day 309—Sunday, November 14th, 2010
ToloacheWell, it’s a bit of a sad day today. It’s the last day for both the BBC (Baltimore Bar Crawlers) and the ABC (Australian Bar Crawlers) on the 365 bar crawl. They’re both going home tomorrow and I’ll be going to another bar, alone. Sob! I’ve had a blast with both groups! Gene, Smoopy and Terry outdid themselves by hitting over 12,865 bars in four days and collectively drinking over 86,412 drinks. I can’t keep up with their pace, but Clacky and Shannon did a good job at keeping up with them after I had long retired home. It was great having them along on the old crawl and tonight we’re going to a bar at a Mexican restaurant Clacky picked out, called Toloache.
And there’s more guest stars appearing tonight. The publishers of the wonderful online magazine, Grade “A” Fancy, Karen McBurnie and Jon Hammer. So let’s go meet everyone for a 365 Sunday dinner. Chow.
When waiting for a train, take Fat Al's advice and lean back!
And here we are, the place looks nice, I think Clacky picked a winner.
I arrived early so I could get in my bar time for the crawl. And there's a seat for the snagging.
And the lovely and friendly Olivia serves up a perfectly made Michelada (are you jealous, Tiki Bar Susie?)
Olivia's not only a fantastic bartender, she's also an actress and producer at the Michael Chekhov Theater Company.
The tools of a professional bar-crawler's trade.
Some of the lit-up bottles on display behind the bar.
A long shot of the wooden bar.
A Harry Nilssonesque aerial pandemonium shot of the bar from the stairs.
Olivia at work behind the bar.
Suddenly, who appears overhead, but Shannon and Clacky, who's got the electric eyeballs going on. It's time for Sunday dinner.
In addition to Clacky and Shannon, Jon and Karen from Grade "A" Fancy have joined the party, so we moved to this table. Jon's a wonderful painter and you can check out his artwork right here: Artwork By Jon Hammer.
Kelley was our waiter for the evening and he did a great job.
With a snap of his fingers and a slight twitch of the nostrils, chips, guacamole and salsa magically appeared on the table.
An overhead shot of the ground floor of the restaurant.
Menus are studied and food is soon ordered. My only question is: Where the fuck are the BBC?
The food is served and it's delicious. Clacky makes a point, but I'm not sure what it was, I was too busy taking the photo.
Jon watches as Karen repeatedly stabs her plate with a fork in a unique Manson-Woman style of eating.
Clacky gives the meal a thumbs up and we all agreed it was a delicious meal. But where the fuck are the BBC?
And here they are, the BBC! They were late because they had hit 793 bars this afternoon and evening. From left: Gene, Smoopy and Terry.
They passed on dinner and had just a few chips to soak up the 894 drinks they had had today.
Kelley brought shots of tequila from the house and took this picture. Cheers and goodnight everybody!
ReviewI promise I’ll start writing original reviews tomorrow, but today is Monday and I’m running late for work, so here’s a review from The Insatiable Critic, Gael Greene, from New York magazine.
Toloache is an earnest Mexican bistro yearning for the big time. Hand-painted tile, silver lanterns, white tablecloths, runners reciting the details of the dishes they deliver, all signal upscale intentions. Chef-partner Julian Medina’s menu skips around Mexico and beyond with a trio of guacamoles mashed to order at the bar, a fabulous organic huevos rancheros, suckling pig from the brick oven, and fine Veracruz-style paella with a foie gras detour. I have doubts about guacamole with mango, apple, peach, habanero and Thai basil, but our fussy eaters like it. Exotic margaritas including chocolate and frozen tamarind raspado are mighty potent. After so many starters, a small huitlacoche quesadilla makes a perfect entrée. Ask the waiter what tacos he suggests, and with no hesitation, he responds, “The grasshopper.” Indeed? “Oaxacan dried grasshoppers are great bar food,” he insists. I’ll leave that treat to Tony Bourdain, while we trip out on marvelous braised brisket with tomatillo salsa and horseradish cream stuffed into handmade corn tortillas. And a few days later at lunch, tangy Baja-style hamachi tacos with guacamole, spicy jícama slaw, and a smart dash of lime. Seviche is not the house’s strong suit. I like mine packing more heat and citrus. But crispy pork on a sweet-corn tamale is fine and roasted garlic shrimp are amazingly juicy and tender. — Gael Greene
Thanks to the BBC—Gene, Smoopy and Terry; the ABC—Shannon and Clacky and Jon and Karen from Grade “A” Fancy for hanging out with me and proving that this bar crawl is more about people than anything else, you’re amazing folks and it was my pleasure to have you join the bar crawl. I look forward to seeing all of you again!
251 W. 50th St. (Near Broadway)

Reader Comments (19)
Looks like a great Sunday dinner and yet another pretty bartender! Loved Karen's Manson woman style of eating! LOL!
A wonderdul time was had by all. We're having a meal at the Blarney Rock now ... then it's off to Penn Station.
We had a great time and we'll never forget it !!!
Hopefully the ABC has a smooth trip home ! LOVE YOU'S GUYS !!!!!!!
3 people. 12,865 bars. 86,412 drinks, four days. @ Gene, Smoopy and Terry; is something going on here that would have left Albert Einstein apoplectic!?! Are you doing the Time Warp again...for real!?!?! It's just a drink to the left....and then a shot to the right! With your hands on your bring your knees in tiiiiight......
Manson-woman link was very interesting to read. I lived in L.A. when it happened, those girls were just naive and young and did a horrible thing, now they paid their entire life for it. Anyone who admires Manson is scum. As far as the bar,,,,I like that Michelada made with Pacifico beer,,,and a great selection of tequilas, one tequila two tequila three tequila floor.
@GENE: Great hanging out with the BBC and the ABC on the crawl! Had a great time and I loves ya right back!
this bar crawl is becoming a parade! LOL! love seeing all the people and it looks like a fun night was had!
Huh. So that's why Karen kept mumbling "Off the pigs" all through dinner. I thought it was because she ordered the pork.
I can't believe it took this long for us to crash the Marty party, but we sure had a ball. Let's do it again soon!
@Ned Sparks: Ha ha ha! Great to have you along and I look forward to sharing a drink or six with yourself and Karen again soon!
Toloache looks and sounds like a really great place. The dining area looks cool with all that underlighting and such, but I really like the bar! I'll for sure stop by the next time I'm in town. It was great following along with the BBC these past few days, and it was such a pleasure to meet the ABC in person (Hi, Shannon and Clacky)! Maybe someday in the future, we can all synchronize our watches and meet up at the same bat time in the same bat place. In the meantime, I will sit back and pretend that Smoopy's shirt of choice is actually an Iowa jersey and not the Steelers! GO BROWNS!
Anyhoo, happy trails to all the crawlers and a special shout-out to Grade "A" Fancy! May your food always be aerated, Karen! Good luck with the solo leg of your tour, Wombacher! Tonight's the Hagar Special! TO: 55! (or 310, if you're counting forwards).
@Biff: Just like the Samster, I couldn't drive 55 either and that's why I lost my driver's license and had to move to New York. I keep waiting for that call from Eddie to take over vocal duties in the 67th reincarnation of Van Failin.' TO 55 AND GO BROWNS!
@365: Onya Bloke! I'm up to wednesday on "99 beers off the wall" and you've just encountered a family of tourists in Midtown...."That homeless guy you pretended not to see probably has bowel movement in his pants thats older than your son" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
The words of pure literary genius!
Ahhh my eyeballs!!!! they're like electric dynamite!
Yes Toloache was indeed a good call...It was only one of 2 places that we went to twice while we were there...the other place was Emmett Luney's (is that the name?) that we crawled onto after dinner for our last night on the booze crawl.
What a total blast the past fortnight has been. We'll never forget it and we're already talking about a return visit next year...maybe, we'll see how life pans out.
@Biff: Too bad about those Browns....but what a game!! GO EAGLES!!!
@the BBC: Happy trails guys and we'll stay in touch. You's guys are an inspiration to beer guzzlers every where. I'm very impressed by the fact you guys had 927 beers each and one cocktail yesterday and only one toilet break!
@Tim Clack: Glad you're enjoying the book and it was a pleasure to have you and Shannon on the bar crawl. I'm glad you not only met Biff and her crew, but the BBC as well! Hurry back soon, there's always beer in the fridge! Have a safe trip back! And have one or seven for me in the airport bars in L.A!
Been great seeing everyone, hope you all have a safe trip home. Looks like a great place to end the visit for dinner and drinks.
To ABC and BBC! have a nice and safe trip to home. You are amazing guys and girls. I'd a lot of fun seeing yours funny crawling with Marty. Arriba y adelante Marty!
I love your "tools for a professional bar-crawler's trade." HA!
Do they still have the grasshopper tacos there? That would have made for an interesting bite...
Fucking Work making Me Miss out on All This Fun !!!
Shit Piss Fuck !!
@Luc Ramone: Arriba y adelante to you sir!
@Fat Al: I didn't see the grasshopper tacos or I would've ordered them for sure!
"a perfectly made Michelada (are you jealous, Tiki Bar Susie?" Yummy that Michelada looks delicious and with Pacifico beer as well. Nice!
The food looks so good and that is just the type of bar and restuarant that I so very much enjoy!!
Great job and you and the crew looked to have a fun filled evening. I love it!